May/June 2007 Newsletter
The weather was good. We went flying. We were late with the May newsletter and so have decided to combine it with the June news. Our apologies! - Ed
The FAA is changing the Wings program. The program will still satisfy the requirement for a Flight review, but will be quite a bit different from the old version. In addition to the seminars that are currently part of the ground requirements, there will be a lot of online course content. The flight requirements change too and will be much more PTS performance based. The best way to understand the new version is to take the online seminar on it. This can be found at
The FAA has posted a brief document describing the desired communications during taxi. We have precised it here. As KPAO has only a single runway, taxi instructions are quite straightforward. However, when you go to an airport with multiple runways, things become more complex.
When you are ready to taxi, your initial contact with ground should include Call Sign, Position and Request.
Ground will then issue a taxi clearance. A taxi clearance will consist of either Taxi To
or Hold Short
. A Taxi To
instruction is used when hold short instructions are not required. A Taxi To
clearance authorizes the aircraft to cross all runways/taxiways which the taxi route intersects. This clearance does not authorize the aircraft to enter or cross the assigned takeoff runway at any point. (FAR 91.129(i)) It is important to listen carefully to ATC instructions and not to anticipate what you expect to hear.
A taxi clearance may require ATC to issue hold short
instructions. In this case, ATC will specify the runway for departure, any necessary taxi instructions, and hold short restrictions when anaircraft will be required to hold at some point along the taxi route.
A controller is required to receive a read back for all hold short instructions issued. It is important that a pilot or vehicle operator read back the complete hold short instructions.
If the read back is not properly received, the controller will prompt the pilot or vehicle operator to Read Back Hold Short Instructions.
Read back hold instructions may be initiated for any point on a movement area when the controller believes the read back is necessary.
IFR approach plates and enroute charts changed in May. There are no chart changes for the region in June. July 5 brings new IFR charts as well as a new WAC for the region, LA sectional, LA TAC, and San Diego TAC. We should have those in stock by July 3.
Following a member request, we have added Avcomm headsets to our supplies. Avcomm makes a range of headsets covering most budgets. We are carrying one headset priced at $140 plus tax, but can quickly get any of the other models. The complete Avcomm catalog is available for download as a pdf.
In addition to headset bags we have added flight bags to our pilot supplies. As usual, we are offering these to our members at a discount.
This newsletter features 2 airplanes. The 172 is notable as being the most produced 4 seat airplane, and for good reason. It doubles as a trainer and as a touring airplane.
Both N738GE and N739ZL are a 1978 N models, updated with current model NAV and COMM radios. Both are powered by 160 hp Lycoming engines. This model of airplane is the ideal step up from the 2 seat 152 as it shares many of the same flight characteristics and introduces only a slightly more complex system. Members fly both 172s all round California and the western states. N739ZL is currently getting an interior upgrade.
May was a bust month for the Sundance CFIs! As soon as the winds died down a little a number of our members achieved significant milestones in their aviation careers.
Congratulations to Jim Plank in surviving the crosswinds to achieve his PPL in N738GE. He is shown here being congratulated by his CFI, Peter Sturdza. Jim celebrated his new found freedom by making 3 flights with passengers on the day of gaining his wings.
Jim Agua made his first solo flight on May 20 in N94565.
Paul Waring soloed in N94565 on May 26.
Dave Wellwood soloed in N94565 on May 21.
So you have just completed a rating and are wondering - what next? Each newsletter, we will look at what some of our members are doing. If you have a flying mission, let us know and we will share it with the club.
Want a reason to fly that's more than just the (now) $200 hamburger? How about joining the challenge to visit all of the public use airports in the lower 48? Visiting new airports is a real thrill for Peter and he still manages to get that hamburger. Check out for details.
Here is Peter's photo from Mojave Airport, proving to goflyamerica
that he had visited it. He particularly liked Mojave because of
the collection of mothballed aircraft, the interesting hangars (think
Scaled Composites), and the proximity to Edwards Air Force Base. A
genuinely historic location.
Fred joined Evan Williams and N7201N at a Beech Pilots Proficiency Program held at KCCR. This 2.5 day course is a total immersion in all things Bonanza. It consisted of a day and a half ground school and 4 hours of flying with a BPPP instructor. Not only did Fred get to exercise 7201N through most aspects of its flight regime, but he learnt more about the mechanical aspects of a Bonanza than he probably ever wanted to know!
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