Rate: $80
Ratings: CFI
Phone: 408-482-1028
Email: pkutler@comcast.net
I have been a flight instructor for 5 years. I currently teach part time at San Jose State University in the Department of Aviation and Technology and the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. I teach classes in Aerodynamics, Fluid Mechanics and Jet Engines. I have a PhD, Master’s and Bachelor’s Degree in Aerospace Engineering and a Master of Science in Management Degree from Stanford University. I had a very exciting career at NASA’s Ames Research Center in the discipline of Computational Fluid Dynamics and retired after 30 years of service. After that, I spent 4 years with Computer Sciences Corporation.
My flying career began in High School in Omaha, Nebraska, flying a PA-12 Supercruiser. I currently own a Piper Lance based at Palo Alto Airport. I have over 2,200 hours of flight time and over 800 hours of instructing. I provide instruction for the private pilot, commercial and Certified Flight Instructor certificates. I also perform airplane checkouts and flight reviews. I have presented FAA Flight Safety Seminars on Aerodynamics in several California cities. Flying has been an integral part of my life, and I am terribly excited about the prospect of teaching new students how to fly and see them succeed in aviation.